Sexuality, Integrity, and the University

The Anscombe Society would like to welcome the Love and Fidelity Network‘s 2nd annual conference, Sexuality, Integrity, and the University, to Princeton University for this weekend!

This unique event will bring together more than 200 participants from dozens of colleges and universities across the country, demonstrating the continued, accelerating growth of this movement that began only 4 years ago here at Princeton.

You can find out more about the conference, including the schedule of events, here.  Lecture and panel times are also posted on the calendar tab of this website.

It’s time.

2305-Center Events Week Poster (small).jpgIt’s time.

It’s time to correct institutionalized social and intellectual double standards.

It’s time to stand up for healthy relationships.

It’s time to consider the social importance of stable marriages and families.

It’s time to respect students of all religious backgrounds.

It’s time to create a safe space for discussions about and lifestyles of sexual integrity.

It’s time to support those many students – currently abstinent, committed to chastity, or unsure where to turn in this time of social and sexual turmoil – who are alienated by the hook-up culture.

In short, it’s time for students and administrators to take a stand FOR all students and AGAINST the hook-up culture.

Join the Anscombe Society for a week of diverse and important events dedicated to showing the Princeton University community that yes, indeed, it is time for a University-sponsored Center for Abstinence and Chastity.

Please find the full schedule after the jump.
Continue reading It’s time.

Ask Anscombe Anything!

2200-Ask Anscombe Anything Poster (small).jpgAren’t we just a bunch of religious zealots?
What’s wrong with gay sex?
Do we take vows and wear chastity rings?
Isn’t chastity old-fashioned or just religious?
Do we think women should stay at home?
Why don’t we support same-sex marriage?
What’s wrong with hookups?
Why wait until marriage?

This is YOUR opportunity to ask ANY QUESTIONS of leaders of the Anscombe Society, Princeton’s most controversial student organization.

The event will be this Wednesday, September 30, at 7:30pm in Robertson 100 (Dodds Auditorium). 

Whether you are sympathetic or hostile to the ideas and ideals of Anscombe, this is a great opportunity to discover what the organization REALLY stands for and what the members are REALLY like.  If you like some of what you’ve heard about the Society but have concerns about other aspects, come ask about those things that give you pause.  If you find some of our positions reprehensible, then come and challenge us.  Find out exactly who holds these ideas you find so repulsive and why we hold them.  No matter what your reason for attending (perhaps just curiosity!), we hope to see you at this unique and exciting event!

You can find this event on Facebook by navigating through our fan page, which can be found by clicking the badge at right.

Welcome Freshmen and 100 Fans!

It’s that time again.  Classes at Princeton start today and the University welcomes a new class of students to campus.  The Anscombe Society — Princeton’s unique and vibrant organization dedicated to traditional sexual ethics — would like to extend a special welcome to incoming freshmen.  New and returning students will be able to find representatives from the Anscombe Society on Friday, September 18, at the official Activities Fair in Dillon Gym from noon to 3pm.

We would also like to invite all interested students, and particularly freshmen, to the Society’s annual Ice Cream Social, where you can meet current members and learn more about what we do.  This event will be held on the same Friday evening from 9 to 10:30pm (and maybe later!) in the 1915 Room of Butler College.  You can find out more information here.

All new freshmen and Anscombe supporters, both on and off Princeton’s campus, can also participate in the Society’s online growth by becoming a fan by clicking on the Facebook badge at right.  Our page can also be found here.

Finally, we are extremely pleased to announce that, even before Princeton’s academic calendar had commenced, the Anscombe Society had accumulated more than 100 fans on Facebook.  This is a testament to the salience of the issues on which Anscombe focuses and the positions it takes.  We look forward to even faster growth as the school year moves along and our members get to work on events and other initiatives.  Now is a great time for YOU to become part of our team!