Holiday Hiatus and Canadian Article

The Anscombe Society blog will be (and has been) on hiatus for Princeton’s Winter Break.  We would like to wish everyone a wonderful holiday season, and we look forward to getting started again in January.

In addition, I am happy to announce that our very own David Pederson ’12 has been quoted in an article in the Canadian magazine The Interim.  The full article can be found here.

Predictive Smiles

NY Times featured a study today by a DePauw University professor who found that the less people smiled in high school yearbook pictures, the more likely they were to later divorce. Granted, nobody is arguing for causation, but this is at least an interesting correlation.

Proposed next study: University IDs as a predictor of marital contentment. Proxes, anyone?

Introducing the “Campaign for the Center” Tab

The Anscombe Society is happy to announce the creation of a new section of our website dedicated to the campaign for a Center for Abstinence and Chastity at Princeton University.

By clicking on the “Campaign for the Center” tab above, you gain access to articles and documents making the argument for the Center, videos of events the Society has held at Princeton, the full written dialogue between students and administrators regarding the Center, and more.  It is a one stop shop for information regrading this important and groundbreaking campaign.

If you have any advice as to how we can make this new section of the website more user-friendly, please leave a note in the comments.

Finally, a big thanks to Anscombe Webmaster Michael Casey ’11 for making this new section a reality.

Sexuality, Integrity, and the University

The Anscombe Society would like to welcome the Love and Fidelity Network‘s 2nd annual conference, Sexuality, Integrity, and the University, to Princeton University for this weekend!

This unique event will bring together more than 200 participants from dozens of colleges and universities across the country, demonstrating the continued, accelerating growth of this movement that began only 4 years ago here at Princeton.

You can find out more about the conference, including the schedule of events, here.  Lecture and panel times are also posted on the calendar tab of this website.