Join us tomorrow for this year’s Pro-Life, Pro-Family Reunion Reception.
Professor Robert P. George will offer a few words about the role of the
pro-life and pro-family message at Princeton and student leaders of
Princeton Pro-Life and the Anscombe Society will be present to update
alumni, students, and friends about their activities this past year and
plans for next semester. Come when you can and leave when you wish!
Families are, of course, welcome.
The event will be held tomorrow (Friday June 1) from 4:30-6pm in the 1915 room of Butler. The facebook event can be found here.
The linked articles are presenting really interesting matters of our society and times and I was really interested in reading them. Not only because they are presenting different views on the marriages and most importantly, same gender marriages, but also, because they are reflection for the matters that the today’s society encounters and especially its young generation. Thanks a lot for the good selection!